Before you receive massage at Wellness Abounds for the first time we ask that you fill out a health history form that pertains to the type of massage or holistic service you with be booking. To save you time we have included our intake forms here on our website. Please download the form you need, print it and bring it with you filled out. If you have the capability feel free to fill in the PDF forms with your computer before printing.
This form is for your health history for regular Massage Therapy, Pregnancy Massage and Myofascial Release. This is a general health history for to help us get better acquainted with your medical history as it pertains to massage and alerts us for contraindications.
The Ion Cleanse has specific questions dealing with medications and your exposure to toxins in your daily life. Providing this information will show our practitioners what treatment method suits you best.
Ear Candling is the process of extracting build up from the inter auditory canals using slight vacuum and massage along the sinus passages of the face. While the process is safe for adults and children we still require a specific intake form for this modality.
Something To Say?
Now that you are signed up with Wellness Abounds Grayslake you can fill out testimonials to be displayed on our site.
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Nature uses only the longest threads to weave her patterns, so that each small piece of her fabric reveals the organization of the entire tapestry.
-Richard Feynman